How to track someone's phone location in 2022?

The increasing cases of kidnapping and missing children make parents feel worried. It's no wonder concerned parents want to track their little ones and keep them safe. By tracking your child's phone, parents also can estimate arrival time and get ready for dinner. In this article, you'll learn how to track someone's phone in a reliable way.

Why you want to track someone's phone?

The reasons behind tracking someone's phone can be various. If your child went out with friends at late evening or visited an unfamiliar part of city, it's better to keep an eye on your child's whereabouts. For married people, you may want to track your husband's phone location and identify any infidelity. Similarly, employers may wish to keep track of their employees and make sure they are not slacking off.

How do I track someone's phone location?

If you want to track someone's phone, the market offers you various solutions to do so. They are easy to set up and you don't have to be a rocket-scientist to use these options. All you need is a smartphone with location service turned on. Once done, take a closer look at the following options.

Location sharing apps

The most hassle-free way you can try is location sharing apps that come pre-installed on your smartphone. Both Google Maps and Apple Maps allow you to share location with friends and family in real-time. Simply luanch the app and select location sharing from the menu. Once located, you'll be able to see location on the map. Do note that the target should accept your location request.

Phone locator

Alternatively, you can take advantage of phone locator. For instance, MLocator lets you track someone's phone, without installing software. Even if you don't have a Google account or Apple ID, MLocator can serve your exact purpose. This reliable solution is available for both Android and iOS device. 

All you need to do is enter the target phone number and click "locate" button to get started. It leverages GPS technology to track a cell phone by number. As such, you can find exact location of phone on an interactive map. Simply drag it down to street level or switch to satellite view.

Reverse phone lookup tool

If you are tech enthusiast, you may be familiar with this people search tool. A case in point is WhitePages, it provides an extensive and detailed report on any individual. No app insatllation or sign up required. Simply type in phone number and see how it work for you. However, remember that this tool can only provide you with approximate location.

Carrier apps

Even if you don't want to try the above-mentioned solutions, there are still ways to track someone's phone. Cell phone carriers such as Sprint, Verzion and T-Mobile develop location tracking apps. They can help you locate your family member within your cell plan.

Sprint family locator offered by the network can be used to pinpoint the location of any phone. Parenst can quickly find out where their kids and elderly parents are located in case something happens. You also can program it to alert you of the people's location at specific time.

Can I track someone's phone without them knowing?

Yes, to track someone's phone without their knowledge, you can use spy app with stealth mode or employ phone locator with anonymous feature. MLocator enables you to stay anonymous while tracking your loved ones.

Final thoughts

With the right tools, tracking someone's phone location is as easy as a walk in the park. Launch native apps on your smartphone and enable location sharing. Or use a phone locator to track your loved ones by simply entering the phone number.