How Can I Locate a Cell Phone by GPS In Simple Ways

Many people want to know how to locate a cell phone by GPS. For example, parents may want to know where their kids are in the event of an emergency. Married couples may want to find out where their spouses are, and employers may need to know where their employees are at all times. Advanced digital technology has made it possible to perform these kinds of functions. Listed below are some of these methods. Read on to learn how to locate a cell phone by GPS and how they work.

First, you can make use of phone number tracker that allows you to locate a cell phone using GPS. Location trackers such as Yotracker, BuddyLocator work on any mobile network. To use the tool, you must enter the phone number and choose the option to send an SMS to the device owner. The person who owns the device will receive a special link that enables him to share the location information. These sites are affiliated with the SS7 network, which stores details of cell phone numbers.This way, you can view the location of the phone's owner in their user space. 


Using a CNAM lookup tool is another method. These websites allow you to find out where the caller is, and if possible, the name of the owner. You can also find out the state or city where the cell phone is located. Most of these tools are free, but you must pay a fee to access them. However, if you have an unlisted number, you won't be able to use the services.

It is also possible to use Google's "Find My Device" app to see the exact location of the phone. All you have to do is visit and eneter your Google account. Then select the lost device from the list. Once located, you'll be able to find it on Google Maps. You're also given options to make it ring, lock the device and even wipe the data to protect someone from accessing it. The Play Sound option will ring for five minutes even if the sound is set to silent. The Secure Device will lock down the device when it is lost.

Besides using the above options, you can also use a cell phone tracker like Life360. This service shows the exact location of the phone in real time, but you have to install it on target device. Using this app will help you find your phone in an emergency. There are other features you can acess on the application.